OH-02: Wulsin Leads Schmidt in New Poll

American Political Polling (5/31-6/2, registered voters):

Vic Wulsin (D): 30

Jean Schmidt (R-inc): 24

David Krikorian (I): 13

Undecided: 33

(MoE: ±3.5%)

The poll also shows that Schmidt has a job approval rating of 23%, and Bush at 40%. But this is one weird poll, and frankly, the numbers seem a little suspect. Was there any attempt made to push leaners?

Here’s a “bonus finding” from the poll: Obama leads McCain by 34-33 in Ohio’s 2nd CD. Let the record show that this is an R+13 district.

These numbers just seem too hard to believe. Full memo below the fold.

SSP currently rates this race as Leans Republican.

34 thoughts on “OH-02: Wulsin Leads Schmidt in New Poll”

  1. Wulsin has higher name ID this year than she did in 2006  and is much better funded, with Ohio republicans in worse shape than ever before.  This race is easily a tossup already.

  2. The fightin’ 2nd has gone from ruby red to a more diluted red. Republican tilt for sure, but still not nearly as Republican as before. The best way to hurt a party is to have incompetent people at the local level. I think we all owe Jean Schmidt a thanks for single handedly changing this district. Thank you Jean, you are the change we can believe in.

  3. a percentage in November. This is a pretty funky poll but I do think it’s very winnable for Vic!

  4. and read the whole thing(as much as they would release without a fee); i think this poll may have been commissioned by krikorian; you folks can go there and draw your own inferences but some of the language used and the “suspect” numbers leads me to that conclusion

  5. But we clearly are going to lose this seat in 2010…  The DCCC better not spend a cent here.

  6. i don’t know if anyone read rothenburg’s take on this race (and i know many of you will not care what he has to say), but it was kind of sad.  his point was that the candidates for this race (schmidt and wulsin) are two of the worst congressional candidates in the country with schmidt polarizing and not very sharp and wulsin having little or no command of the issues.

    now again – rothenburg has his own biases, but if there is truth to rothenburg’s assertion, then this is exactly the kind of seat where voters wgho have gotten to know both these candidates pretty well in the last 3 years might still not want to support either.

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